Neo-Tantra: a brief overview

Neo-Tantra: a brief overview Introduction Neo-Tantra, also known as the ‘neo-Tantric movement’, is a modern Western interpretation and further development of traditional Tantric teachings and sexual practices that did not serve reproduction, which were observed in some ancient Near Eastern cultures. The term ‘Neotantra’ refers to a modern form of Tantric teachings that are mainly applied in the West.

Pubblicato dic 4 2024
da Thomas

Eros LAB Teaser: Reclaim Your Erotic Power

Many gay and queer men navigate the world of intimacy and sexuality without a guide—diving into exciting yet often confusing experiences, feeling stuck in relationships, or longing for deeper connections. The Eros LAB Teaser Weekend offers a space to explore, question, and expand your erotic life in a way that’s conscious, transformative, and deeply personal.

Nuovo contributo!
Pubblicato mar 5
da Artjom

Beyond Touch: How the Massage Practitioner Training Transformed Jordan’s Connection to Himself and Others

What happens when touch becomes more than just physical? For Jordan, a young bodyworker seeking a deeper connection to his sensuality and sexuality, the Massage Practitioner Training (MPT) became a transformative journey that reshaped his perspective on intimacy, personal relationships, and professional practice. In this interview, he shares his personal journey—how he stepped into intimacy, learned to embrace his desires, and discovered new ways to connect with others. From moments of profound self-discovery to challenges of adaptation, his story illustrates the richness of this journey. Whether you’re a seasoned bodyworker or simply curious about mindful, erotic touch, Jordan’s reflections may inspire you to take the leap yourself.

Pubblicato feb 27
da Artjom

Eat less, fddle more!

At our festival and retreats, we have decided to only have two large communal meals a day. This decision was made for several important reasons: First of all, it saves time. Eating three large meals a day would take up more of our valuable time for sessions, workshops and shared experiences. Reducing...

Pubblicato feb 16
da Thomas

Sexual health – what does it mean for gay men?

Does sexual health mean the absence of STIs (sexually transmitted infections)? Or great potency = lots of partners (in the case of heterosexuals, this is usually equated with a large number of children)? Sexual health is more than the absence of disease or dysfunction. It encompasses holistic well-being in relation to sexuality – physical, emotional, mental and social.

Pubblicato dic 26 2024
da Thomas

Better nights, better days: sleep and rhythm of life - especially for gay, bisexual and queer men

Has your sleep changed? No wonder. Sleep preferences and daily rhythms are not set in stone - they often adapt to life phases, needs and priorities. Maybe you used to sleep until midday because the nights were long and the parties were great. And now? Maybe the morning sun wakes you up at seven o'clock - and that feels surprisingly good.

Pubblicato dic 8 2024
da Thomas

Massage Practitioner Training Interviews – Michael

After the end of our Massage Practitioner Training 2021 we decided to ask the participants to answer some questions about their experiences, challenges, their growth during the program and to give us some feedback. We will publish these interviews in the next weeks and hope they can give you some insight on what it’s like to participate in the training in case you’re curious about it.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Thomas

Massage Practitioner Training Interviews – Michael, part 2

After the end of our Massage Practitioner Training 2021 we decided to ask the participants to answer some questions about their experiences, challenges, their growth during the program and to give us some feedback. We will publish these interviews in the next weeks and hope they can give you some insight on what it’s like to participate in the training in case you’re curious about it.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Thomas

The hidden pain of coming out – „La Cortina“

It’s August, I think 2009, and I’ve gone to the beach with my girlfriend – as I’ve been doing more and more in the summer months since we started dating. For the last 2 years we’ve been in a fairly traditional relationship – shaped by fairly traditional family images. But something in both of us pulls us out of this traditionalism.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024

Moxe’s Queer Parenting – Lonely in a crowd

The other day I had some amazing all heart tantric sex, doing all the things I like, pleasuring another man. When it was all done, I had this feeling of running away. Like when I was single and young (well not only….). Running from the scene, feeling awkward. This time it was more conscious – I wanted to hold my baby.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Moxe

In love thanks to GLS – Dror’s experience, part 1

During all the years we’ve been active, many people happened to find love or some kind of partnership through our events, and while this is not our main goal, we can’t help but feel happy when it happens. That’s why we decided to bring you a cute series of posts where we interview some of these people, and ask them about their experience.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Thomas

In love thanks to GLS – Dror’s experience, part 2

Nico: How did you feel in the weeks after the workshop? And how long did it take before you felt like you were in a relationship? Dror: I felt good, I felt very relaxed and secure of myself. I was full of emotions and self love. And I was slower in my day to day life, accepting the beauty of it, not always thinking about the next thing to do.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Thomas

Schlagernacktparty Therapy – part I

Holy Thursday, 06th of April 2023 – It was my second SNP. That’s the professional abbreviation for Schlagernacktparty. If you’ve never been, it sounds a bit obscure, maybe a bit dorky. Free body culture in a big group – a thousand naked men, some naked queers and naked women drinking alcohol, swaying, singing and dancing mostly in a good mood in Schwuz. German Schlager to the bone.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Thomas

Finding my religion

I often have the following thoughts on the occasion of “high” holidays. In the intense days before, during and even after, when travelling to celebrate the holidays with friends and family, and of course when organising activities for such holidays too.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Moxe

Still Gay

The world is moving forwards and identities like gay and lesbian are being challenged by the young generation, by the academic world, by people’s experiences. Many of our clients had a history with women and don’t necessarily identify with the word gay. Neither does the younger generation that is more fluid and skeptic about static identities and wants to include trans and non-binary people.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Moxe

Sex is Relating

We have this tension between wanting to live alone, that things will go our way, while at the same time needing to be part of a community, share and be part of something bigger. Understanding that in the current world, it is harder and harder to live alone. Again and again we get hurt by this animal called human. So, we developed technology that will allow us not to ask questions in the street, in school, machines that will help us to write, study, work, we can even chat with machines/ slaves.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Moxe

Sensuality, the Play of The Senses

Hello, my name is Jose, I am 45 years old and my boyfriend’s name is Luisfer, he is 13 years older than me and together we rediscovered our sexuality, but this time starting again from a process of self-acceptance, valuing and respecting first of all the emotional rhythms of the other person, not thinking only about oneself but also and above all about the other.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Moxe