In love thanks to GLS – Dror’s experience, part 2

Pubblicato May 28, 2024 - da Thomas

During all the years we’ve been active, many people happened to find love or some kind of partnership through our events, and while this is not our main goal, we can’t help but feel happy when it happens. That’s why we decided to bring you a cute series of posts where we interview some of these people, and ask them about their experience.

This first interview is with Dror, a dear friend and ex-collaborator of GLS. Let’s hear what he had to say about finding love in Summer Eros…

Nico: How did you feel in the weeks after the workshop? And how long did it take before you felt like you were in a relationship?

Dror: I felt good, I felt very relaxed and secure of myself. I was full of emotions and self love. And I was slower in my day to day life, accepting the beauty of it, not always thinking about the next thing to do. I treated other people differently, with more compassion, more patience. Because when you have self love, you have more love to give.

This workshop was like going to a gas station and filling up my soul. Then it’s so full that it just spreads to other people. Of course it’s only like this for some weeks… that’s why we should do this every month!

And as I said, we knew right away that this was a very special connection and we are together since then.

N: Very often we have people from different parts of the country and even different countries coming to our events. Are you and your partner in a long distance relationship? How are you navigating it?

D: Yes, unfortunately we don’t live in the same country. At the beginning he lived for two years in Italy, so it was not so bad, we managed to see each other every two weeks. Then he found a job in Jerusalem for two years, and it was more difficult for me (even though I’m Israeli) to fly so often, but we managed. Then Corona came and I couldn’t go to Israel since I don’t have citizenship. He had to quit his job and he’s now in Tunisia. It’s very difficult but it’s proof that it’s possible. We are connecting each other all the time – through video calls and texts. And when we see each other – our sex life is still getting better! Which is not so common after 5 years… I think it’s because we are monogamous and in a long distance relationship, so it’s very passionate.

But we are planning to end with this distance soon. We decided that we cannot live like this… we want to live together until the end of the universe! But it’s possible, and if it’s real love nothing should be an obstacle, not even distance. You can solve everything.

N: Finding a partner is not the main goal of our events, but a (very welcome) side effect: what did you take away from the workshop besides your new relationship? Did you learn anything for yourself?

D: I guess I already answered this, but I will repeat something that is important to me. Every year that I came to the retreat it was always like this: in the first days I had these 3/4 beautiful guys that were “on my list” but I was kind of apathetic towards the others. But during the 3rd or 4th day you really start to love people. Not sexually, you just love them. And you love them so much that you want to hug them and eat them and they look so beautiful… Because you share so much with them and everyone opens up as you open up.

So what I’ve learned is not to judge people, even in normal life, because they are much more than what you see. If you see someone who is sad or someone who is not so nice, often behind that there’s pain that they face, or fear. So I try to listen more and to see what is beyond and often I realise that they are much more beautiful than I thought. This is the main thing that I’ve learned which is important to my daily life.

First Picture

Thomas (Writing brain food - thinking outside the box)

Thomas likes to share his numerous experiences...
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In love thanks to GLS – Dror’s experience, part 1

During all the years we’ve been active, many people happened to find love or some kind of partnership through our events, and while this is not our main goal, we can’t help but feel happy when it happens. That’s why we decided to bring you a cute series of posts where we interview some of these people, and ask them about their experience.

Pubblicato mag 28 2024
da Thomas