Entradas del blog en la categoría Trainings

Eros LAB Teaser: Reclaim Your Erotic Power

Many gay and queer men navigate the world of intimacy and sexuality without a guide—diving into exciting yet often confusing experiences, feeling stuck in relationships, or longing for deeper connections. The Eros LAB Teaser Weekend offers a space to explore, question, and expand your erotic life in a way that’s conscious, transformative, and deeply personal.

¡Nueva contribución!
Publicado mar 5
de Artjom

Más allá del tacto: cómo la formación de masajista profesional transformó la conexión de Jordan consigo mismo y con los demás

¿Qué ocurre cuando el contacto se convierte en algo más que físico? Para Jordan, un joven trabajador corporal que buscaba una conexión más profunda con su sensualidad y sexualidad, la Formación de Masajista Profesional (MPT) se convirtió en un viaje transformador que reconfiguró su perspectiva sobre la intimidad, las relaciones personales y la práctica profesional.

Publicado feb 27
de Artjom

Massage Practitioner Training Interviews: Timo

How did you decide to book the MPT? Was your motivation more private or more professional? Timo: At first my interest was just private curiosity. I have been interested in Tantra for a long time, but I didn’t have access to it and didn’t know any trustworthy people who offered such things.

Publicado may 28 2024

Massage Practitioner Training Interviews – Michael

After the end of our Massage Practitioner Training 2021 we decided to ask the participants to answer some questions about their experiences, challenges, their growth during the program and to give us some feedback. We will publish these interviews in the next weeks and hope they can give you some insight on what it’s like to participate in the training in case you’re curious about it.

Publicado may 28 2024
de Thomas

Massage Practitioner Training Interviews – Michael, part 2

After the end of our Massage Practitioner Training 2021 we decided to ask the participants to answer some questions about their experiences, challenges, their growth during the program and to give us some feedback. We will publish these interviews in the next weeks and hope they can give you some insight on what it’s like to participate in the training in case you’re curious about it.

Publicado may 28 2024
de Thomas