Massage Practitioner Training Interviews: Timo
Publicado May 28, 2024 - de Luis Rodrigo
How did you decide to book the MPT? Was your motivation more private or more professional?
Timo: At first my interest was just private curiosity. I have been interested in Tantra for a long time, but I didn’t have access to it and didn’t know any trustworthy people who offered such things. At some point I came across the website of and it made a very serious and competent impression on me, so I registered for a first module. In the course of the training I then decided to continue and complete the whole training.
Are you satisfied with the way the training went? Did you improve your knowledge and skills in each module? Do you feel that now, after 4 modules and more than 12 protocol sessions, you have learned everything you need to know to give massages safely and to be able to respond to clients’ needs?
T: In the first module we were taught the basics of a tantric massage session, but the other modules were very valuable in terms of sharing with other masseurs and the in-depth practice and background information we got little by little, which was very helpful.
In addition to the actual bodywork, the feedback rounds and the very personal and intimate atmosphere within the group and with the trainers were mega good. In addition, there were topics such as “questioning one’s own intention”, “creating a connection with clients”, “problematic situations with clients or external conditions” and “legal issues” etc.
How did you feel about the fact that in modules 2, 3 and 4 you gave a tantric massage session to a total of 6 men who came from GLS and whom you did not know before? How did the communication with them work?
How were these experiences discussed and integrated within the training group?
T: That was very helpful. Especially the diversity of the men was a good topic of conversation in the feedback rounds and we could learn a lot from it. The fact that they were men we didn’t know beforehand was a good exercise for our own practice later on. Massaging in the whole group was a bit unusual, especially for the clients, but still very valuable and gave us students a familiar setting.
How did you find the men for your own trial sessions? How did you draw attention to yourself outside of the training? How satisfied are you with the way the sessions you did at home went? What was the feedback like from the men you massaged?
T: For the trial sessions, I only asked men I knew before and with whom I (or they with me) already had a familiar relationship. The feedback was very positive throughout and encouraged and strengthened me. The fact that we gave 12 massages of our own in the course of the whole training helped me a lot and enabled a certain routine. In my opinion, you can only really learn how to massage in practice. Discovering what one’s own hands can do, how differently people react to them and the encounter with the men in general was very positive for me.
How was it for you to give protocol sessions within the training group as a change?
T: That was also good because the feedback was very detailed because we are all at about the same level. It was very enriching to feel the different hands. Every masseur massages differently. Everybody touches you differently. It just felt good. Gladly more of it. 🙂
Were there many surprises overall? Did you massage different body types and were you confronted with different needs?
T: There were no really negative surprises for me. But the diversity of the men was very helpful. I realised that especially big (heavy) men are a challenge for me; that’s where I reach my physical limits.
Were you always able to respect the clients’ limits? Were you always able to respect your own limits?
T: That has never been a problem in any session. In retrospect, one or the other interprets the very intimate touch a bit too personally and I have to learn to communicate my own boundaries clearly.
Did you feel comfortable with the trainers? Did the trainers listen to the trainees’ wishes and suggestions and adapt the programme accordingly when asked?
T: I felt very comfortable. At this point I would like to thank you again – you have taught us something very valuable. Thank you for your time, your commitment and your friendship. I feel privileged to have met you.
Is the ongoing online supervision helpful for you?
T: There haven’t been that many so far. But basically I find the contact and exchange with all fellow learners and trainers great. I would very much like to maintain this.
Was the feedback from clients, trainers and fellow students after the massages helpful?
T: Yes, as already described above, the feedback was very helpful. And always appreciative and respectful.
How is the atmosphere among the fellow students? How is the connection among you?
T: I am very happy to be part of this group and would like to keep in touch. I’m already looking forward to the next time we spend together. I have found the time in between eating together or exchanging ideas to be very personal, appreciative and confidential. There is so much to discover when you meet people with respect and dignity.
How was your own inner development (in terms of personal growth) in the process of the training? Were you able to observe something in yourself outside of the actual massage skills – how did the training affect your own satisfaction or balance?
T: How the initial curiosity quickly turned into enthusiasm surprised me myself. This whole “tantra journey” has touched me very much and I am curious to see where it will lead me. I want to be open to it. And also the first independent massages were very valuable encounters and have convinced me that I have something to pass on – not only with my hands. In Tantra you meet people in a very unique, sensitive and respectful way. This somehow suits me – I am not such a loud person and I appreciate encounters of this kind very much. Statements like: “I have never been touched like this in my life!” mean a lot to me. And I am grateful for the trust that is placed in me.
How do you feel about the price-performance ratio of the training? Have you already made money again with your current work and have the expenses for the training paid off? Or was that not your intention to earn money as a masseur as well?
T: At first I thought it was a lot of money. But all in all, it has been more than worth it for me. It is much more than “just” a massage training. You can feel that from the first time you meet you. And money is only a means to an end. A way to give something back. But it can by no means reflect what you have given us. I feel the same way about the massages I give now. The money is not unimportant – but it only plays a subordinate role.
Is there anything else you would like to say about the training?
T: I would like to thank you for your trust, your hospitality and your openness in the way you meet people. That impressed me deeply and I take that with me into my everyday life.