Censorship, filters, stigmatising – and how we deal with it
Publicado May 28, 2024 - de Thomas
In more than 20 years of workshop and training work in Gay Love Spirit of course a lot of things have changed in communication. We are currently working on our website 4.0 and are making many efforts to get through to you all. In this article, Thomas describes how we are currently dealing with the adversities of the puritan internet.
Censorship makes open communication impossible – website
The US – dominated Internet corporations have steadily refined their filters for unwanted topics. A few years ago, we were able to speak relatively freely, being listed among the first places in Google searches if we used the right keywords. Nowadays it’s a little different: everything that has to do with sexuality in the broadest sense is first filtered out and checked. Nothing is allowed to elicit l*st, advertise s*x-ual activity, or portray s*x-positivity in any way. We are allowed to write in a factual, educational way, but we can’t be too positive or encouraging… Otherwise we will be branded as “adult content” and simply not found in most searches.
On our new website 4.0 we will use the nasty explicit words only in the members area, so to see all texts and pictures you will have to be logged in on gaylovespirit.org.
The internal scissors in use – our posts on Facebook and Instagram
Facebook and Instagram are a bit sharper in the application of the “rules”. Many of our posts have previously been branded as rule violations of the so-called Community Standards. These messages from Facebook to us make us break out in a sweat every time, because their rules are very vague about what is allowed and what is not. By the way, the control of the messages in Facebook is carried out by a subsidiary of the Bertelsmann Group, a company that earned a lot of money in the Third Reich by publishing propaganda pamphlets and whose publisher financially supported the SS.
Many of the images we have used so far are obviously too explicit. So don’t be surprised if you’ll read very “clean” messages from us in the future, so that we attract as little attention as possible from the Facebook-Bertelsmann moral guardians. For us it is important to get more reach on FB and Insta, so we are very happy if you comment positively on our posts there and share them with your friends and acquaintances. Thanks for that!
More sensual and explicit on Twitter, in our Romeo group, and on Telegram.
Accordingly, we will use our opportunities to share more sensual and explicit texts and images on platforms where the censorship scissors are not particularly present. Again, we appreciate your support in the form of sharing and spreading!
Twitter: gaylovespirit1
Romeo group: GAYLOVETANTRA by Gay Love Spirit
Emails: avoid the eternal spam filter
The emails from our domain often end up in spam, which sometimes makes our life in customer communication very difficult (lack of replies, confirmations, etc). In this case we communicate through a Gmail address: gls.info.booking@gmail.com . Some providers, like Hotmail, block us completely. Our newsletters have been ending up in the spam folder for many recipients in recent years and while we have already made some efforts to change this, they’ve been mostly unsuccessful.
In the next months we will try to send our emails also to (selected) men via yahoo, web.de and gmail. Please don’t be surprised if you receive the newsletter twice – it’s to find out on which channel we get through best and we don’t know yet how the mentioned email platforms will react.